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Artists Pay the Penalty as Steaua Legends Remember ‘86

Remember ’86 and Steaua’s European Champions Cup triumph? Well, it was remembered with a captivating game on May 7 to mark the event’s 26th anniversary.
A friendly, featuring such Steaua legends as Duckadam, Gherasim and Piturca coached by E. Jenei took on a celebrity filled “Artist’s National Team,” with goals galore for the viewing public. Pumped out over the GSP TV airwaves with assistance from Durby Sports Marketing, celebs of another artform entirely like Aurelian Temisan, Adrian Enache and Dani Otil strutted their footballing stuff.

The game went to penalties after two tight periods, of course the legends of ’86 winning out in the end. Belodedici, Iovan, Balan, Majearu all featured strongly in the game, and there was no let up to the action in the post game phase, the Cheile Gradistei Resort’s restaurant the party destination.

Just to refresh your memory on the ’86 happening, that victory too came after penalties with Duckadam making his way into the Guinness Book of Records with four fine saves to save the day, and create an occassion worth marking.
08 mai 2012 12:30



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