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DSM supports the CSA Steaua Rugby section

Durby Sports Marketing shall continue to support the rugby section of the most gallooned club in the country - Steaua Bucureşti, as its main target is to achieve not only sports performance, but also very good marketing results.
DSM has great ambitions for the season to start in mid-March. We plan to find new sponsors, to conclude new partnerships, to upgrade the company image and to increase the rugby sector visibility.

"I grew up on the rugby field, so I consider it a debt of honour to support this military club section. My father, a rugbyst who served the red-blue flag and the National team, would be very proud of me. DSM has started to support this section since 2010, by providing them with the Samurai equipment. There were other concrete actions concerning this domain and, for this year, I want DSM to be involved in a more intense and active way.", declared Bobby Durbac - the General Manager of Durby Sports Marketing.
15 feb 2013 10:00



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