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DSM celebrating with Seville heroes

Durby Sports Marketing organized the 28th celebration of this unique triumph in the Romanian football, at Cheile Grădiştei, together with the golden generation of Steaua, the winning team of the 1986 European Champions Cup. The anniversary match was between the Steaua 1986 and the Artists’ National Team.
The event was relaxing and full of well-known people: Belodedici, Duckadam, Tudorel Stoica, Barbulescu, Bumbescu, Majearu, Balan, Pistol, Stangaciu or Radu II played for the red-blue colours. Unfortunately, the penalty goalscorers, Lacatus and Balint, could not be present at this event, as both coaches had an intermediate match on that very day. Steaua team also included Anghel Iordanescu’s son, Alexandru, who was not born at the time of the great 1986 sports performance.

The Artists’ team: Aurelian Temisan, Kamara, Dani Otil, Adrian Enache and others.

The regulation play was not enough to choose the winning team. As it happened in 1986, the penalty lottery was in favour of Steaua team. The match was broadcast live by Sport.ro, the third year consecutively. DSM has an excellent collaboration with PRO TV and with all the other TV channels within the group.

Mass-media was very interested in this action and several TV representatives participated at the event for interviews and different news interventions.

Durby Sports Marketing was partner in organising this traditional event. At Cheile Gradistei, one can see the modern Biatlon Arena, in Fundata, situated at an altitude of 1288 metres above the sea level.
08 mai 2014 13:00



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